Sql Server

SQL Server - Interview Questions and Answers

1. Which TCP/IP port does SQL Server run on? How can it be changed?
SQL Server runs on port 1433. It can be changed from the Network Utility TCP/IP properties.

2. What are the difference between clustered and a non-clustered index?
CLUSTERED INDEX: will be created by default when u
create primary key on a column. So we can create one
clustered index per table. clustered index is stored in
serial passion.

NON CLUSTERED INDEX: Non clustered index will be created automatically when u
create unique key on a column. A table can have no.of
unique keys, so we can create no.of non clustered indexes
per table.

3. What are the different index configurations a table can have?
1.No indexes
2.clustered index
3.clustered index and many nonclustered indexes
4.nonclustered index
5.Many nonclustered indexes

4. What is OLTP (Online Transaction Processing)?
In OLTP - online transaction processing systems relational database design use the discipline of data modeling and generally follow the Codd rules of data normalization in order to ensure absolute data integrity. Using these rules complex information is broken down into its most simple structures (a table) where all of the individual atomic level elements relate to each other and satisfy the normalization rules.

5. What's the difference between a primary key and a unique key?
Both primary key and unique key enforces uniqueness of the column on which they are defined. But by default primary key creates a clustered index on the column, where are unique creates a nonclustered index by default. Another major difference is that, primary key doesn't allow NULLs, but unique key allows one NULL only.

6. What is the Difference between DBMS and RDBMS?
DBMS:1)In dbms no relationship concept
2)It supports Single User only
3)It treats Data as Files internally
4)It supports 3 rules of E.F.CODD out off 12 rules
5)It requires low Software and Hardware Requirements.
6)FoxPro, IMS are Examples

1)It is used to establish the relationship concept between two database objects, i.e, tables
2)It supports multiple users
3)It treats data as Tables internally
4)It supports minimum 6 rules of E.F.CODD
5)It requires High software and hardware


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